Preschool children are inquisitive, enthusiastic learners! They are ready to take the next steps in building friendships and social skills as they develop a stronger sense of self, and a deeper understanding of their world. They need warm, patient, flexible and nurturing educators by their sides as they continue their journey of discovery and learning. Preschool children should be encouraged to explore in a safe, homelike environment while receiving intentional, individualized care that inspires them to wonder, explore, discover, take risks and grow! They are avid learners who are rapidly advancing cognitively and physically while building new skills. Educators thoughtfully create individual child profiles for every preschool child includes a wealth of information and incorporate the needs of the family as well as the child's unique temperament and needs. Child-led curriculum is intentionally planned to incorporate the Vermont Early Learning Standards, and includes opportunities for learning in language, literacy, math, science, social studies, art, music, sense of self, social relationships, technology and much more. Your child will explore and discover through play in a supportive environment where teachers inspire and encourage them to become their best selves. Here are just a few examples of activities your preschool child may experience:
All children in their final year of preschool will continue to experience all of the opportunities described above in addition to opportunities mentioned below. The pre-kindergarten classroom places an emphasis on kindergarten readiness including preparing for the structure, routines, social skills and independence skills needed for a successful transition to kindergarten.
Upon enrollment, you will receive additional information about our preschool programs.
Preschool children are inquisitive, enthusiastic learners! They are ready to take the next steps in building friendships and social skills as they develop a stronger sense of self, and a deeper understanding of their world. They need warm, patient, flexible and nurturing educators by their sides as they continue their journey of discovery and learning. Preschool children should be encouraged to explore in a safe, homelike environment while receiving intentional, individualized care that inspires them to wonder, explore, discover, take risks and grow! They are avid learners who are rapidly advancing cognitively and physically while building new skills. Educators thoughtfully create individual child profiles for every preschool child includes a wealth of information and incorporate the needs of the family as well as the child's unique temperament and needs. Child-led curriculum is intentionally planned to incorporate the Vermont Early Learning Standards, and includes opportunities for learning in language, literacy, math, science, social studies, art, music, sense of self, social relationships, technology and much more. Your child will explore and discover through play in a supportive environment where teachers inspire and encourage them to become their best selves. Here are just a few examples of activities your preschool child may experience:
- dancing to music, singing songs, playing rhyming and language games
- exploring books independently, listening to books read aloud or making our own simple books
- engage in group activities that require following two and three step directions
- exploring art by exploring with new tools and materials including glue, scissors, clay, watercolors, paint, fabric, glitter, stencils etc.
- strengthen small muscle skills by lacing beads and cards, use writing to communicate by making purposeful marks and letters, and adding more detail to pictures and drawings
- hatch monarch butterflies and begin to understand the life cycles of living things
- water sensory play with simple tools, and exploring varied sensory play materials (like sand and rice) as we learn about quantity and volume
- manipulate objects, toys and puzzles with large knobs, count objects, sort and stack materials
- learn to identify classroom signs and labels, recall and retell simple stories and increase vocabulary and comprehension
- sort objects, learn to create and follow simple patterns, identify shapes, count and identify numerals and solve simple verbal math problems
- manage classroom routines, transitions and rules with occasional reminders and become increasingly responsible for our own belongings
- problem solving activities such as fitting shapes into a shape sorter, puzzles and busy boxes
- develop social emotional skills by having caregivers identify, validate and acknowledge our feelings while setting age-appropriate, consistent limits and boundaries
- grow grass, flowers and vegetables as we begin to understand our impact on our environment
- explore different cultures in authentic ways while encouraging and modeling acceptance and appreciation
- encourage collaborative work and play with all classmates without regard for differences
- teachers model empathy and help peers to work together and express their feelings while fostering a deeper understanding of the feelings of others
- use props and puppets, act out stories and plays and engage in dramatizations with classmates
- experiment with visual media and materials
- investigate musical instruments, listen to music from around the world and become familiar with musical terminology
- explore the outdoor world on the playground or on short neighborhood walks
- continue growing our physical skills by dancing, running, jumping, hopping, climbing, skipping and more
- encouraging children to problem solve by asking open-ended questions such as "What do you think will happen?", "How do you think you could solve that problem?", and "Why do you think.......?", "Tell me about..........". etc.
All children in their final year of preschool will continue to experience all of the opportunities described above in addition to opportunities mentioned below. The pre-kindergarten classroom places an emphasis on kindergarten readiness including preparing for the structure, routines, social skills and independence skills needed for a successful transition to kindergarten.
- increased emphasis on language and communication skills as the children learn to communicate in increasingly complex ways
- recall and follow multi step instructions from teachers
- expand receptive and expressive vocabulary
- use more refined descriptive speech, and ask progressively complex questions about their world
- identify alphabet letters and some letter sounds
- attempt spelling using letter sounds, practice writing letters, writing our names, recognizing letters in print
- develop a stronger understanding of time and its components
- verbally compare and contrast items
- solve simple number problems, sort, pattern, match counters to numerals, estimate, identify numerals and begin to write them
- understand shapes, draw shapes, create our own shapes
- experiment with measuring tools and materials such as funnels, tape measures and measuring cups
- participate in cooking projects
- build magnetic structures, use the "take apart" station, use wood working tools, and research information using technology
- initiate the sharing of materials with friends, identify the emotional responses of others accurately and suggest solutions to social problems, join in and sustain positive interactions with peers
- take personal pride in ourselves, our abilities and unique characteristics
- demonstrate empathy for people we know and people who are not familiar to us
- understand features of our communities and neighborhoods with increasing awareness
- understand and practice safety rules, demonstrate initiative in caring for ourselves and our belongings
- enjoy physical activity and seek out peers to create and participate in both indoor and outdoor large motor experiences
Upon enrollment, you will receive additional information about our preschool programs.